Transform your digital chaos into organized bliss today.

Defend Your
Zone of Genius

Structure-driven strategies designed to

The more time you spend in your zone of genius, the more your life will feel like a work of art. - Gay Hendricks

As an entrepreneur and a mom, I know first-hand how rewarding and challenging it is to pursue your passions. It's a beautiful feeling when your business gets a little momentum, and before you know it, you're full steam ahead. Then comes the inevitable period of growing pains. Your creative passion is put on the back burner as you try your best to get organized and create the structure you need to achieve your goals. That's where I come in. As your new digital organization bestie, I'm here to defend your zone of genius with structure-driven strategies that empower you to build a thriving creative business and a life that feels like a work of art.

VIP Digital Declutter Experience

This VIP service is designed to radically transform your creative business with a customized plan that meets your unique needs, so you can get back to your zone of genius and focus on what you do best. Whether you're looking to organize your files, streamline your inbox, optimize your software, or all of the above, our VIP Digital Declutter Experience is the solution you've been looking for. In a matter of days, you'll have more time to grow your business, increase your revenue, and achieve your wildest dreams. Don't let digital clutter hold you back any longer. Unlock your full potential with our VIP Digital Declutter Service today.

Say goodbye to the overwhelm and chaos of digital clutter and hello to streamlined workflows and increased productivity. 

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Monthly Maintenance

Keep things organized as your business grows

I need this!

As your creative business grows and evolves, it's important to ensure that your digital organization and operations keep up. The Monthly Maintenance Package is designed to provide ongoing support and maintenance to keep your business running smoothly. We'll help you stay organized, identify areas of improvement and implement changes to optimize your digital workflows as your business grows. With our Monthly Maintenance Package, you can focus on growing your business, while we take care of the rest.

Looking for a little something extra?

Explore the add-ons

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Maximize your productivity and minimize your stress with our Gmail Organization add-on. We’ll create custom labels and filters to streamline your inbox, so you can spend less time on email and more time focusing on your creative passions.

Spreadsheets can be intimidating, and templates can only get you so far before losing energy trying to make them work for you. Whether you need help with data analysis or project management, we'll create custom spreadsheets that meet your unique needs and make visualizing data approachable.

Digital organization can help you with your business by increasing productivity, reducing stress, and streamlining workflow. It can also help you find files quickly and easily, and ensure that your digital systems are running smoothly.

1. How can digital organization help me with my creative business?

As a digital organization specialist, my passion is helping women running creative businesses streamline their digital workflows and processes. I’ll work with you to create a structure for managing digital assets such as files, documents, and data, and arm you with the tools and tech integrations to optimize your workflows. I’m here to support you and your team to adopt new organization practices and tools for sustainable, scalable success. 

2. What can you help me with as a digital organization specialist?

If your business is struggling with productivity, inefficiencies, or disorganization in your digital workflows, the Digital Declutter is the ultimate solution. This VIP experience can help radically transform your creative business with personalized organization structures you need to get back to your zone of genius. As your go-to digital organization specialist, I’ll help you create a fresh perspective to your workflow and expertise in best practices and tools for managing digital assets. You’ll walk away from the experience with a structure built to support your creative flow and the tools you need to thrive in your zone of genius and make measurable progress toward your goals. 


The Digital Declutter package is a VIP service that provides a comprehensive deep cleaning and organization of your digital assets, while the monthly maintenance package provides ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your business stays organized and optimized as it grows and changes. The best option for your business will depend on your specific needs and goals. If you’re unsure which package is right for you, book a Meet and Greet at the link below, and together, we’ll determine which package is right for you.

4. What’s the difference between the Digital Declutter package and the monthly maintenance package? 

Absolutely! We understand that digital clutter is a major obstacle for businesses, which is why we offer flexible payment plans to help make our digital organization services accessible and affordable. Our payment plans are designed to fit your budget and timeline, and we work with you to create a plan that works for your specific needs.

5. Do you offer payment plans? 

Ditch the Digital Clutter

Find yourself endlessly searching for important client notes or struggling to keep your inbox organized? Like a junk drawer, digital clutter accumulates over time, making it overwhelming to sort through and find what's important. Sit back and relax while I create the digital organization that brings order to the chaos and saves you the precious time you need to run your business. 

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